If you found our first how to find a house sitter method a little tiresome because of the sifting through an array of house sitters, then this second method might just be what you need. All you will be having to do is contact us FreePetSitters,via an email or a phone call and a house sitter will be provided for you. That easy? There must be a catch right? There really is none except for the fact that FreePetSitters only has a limited pool of experienced house sitters and that you better hope we are not fully booked for your scheduled date!
Method # 2: Finding your House Sitter via FreePetSitters
So if you think sending an email or an SMS is miles easier than all the hassle of finding a house sitter in our method 1 then look no further. Here at FreePetSitters, if you are not aware, is a group of a few dedicated pet, plant, and house sitters ready to care for pets, plants and homes of people. Since we are small, when you notify us about your desire to book for a house sit, you are right away contacting experienced and background checked house sitters. The step where you have to look on your own from a whole catalog of house sitters has been removed. If you are interested, here are the steps on how to find or hire a house sitter using FreePetSitters.
Step 1: Send an email or give us a call via our contact channels.
The first step in this how-to is very simple as all you need to do is open up your favorite mail app if you decide to contact us via email or dial in our number in your mobile or telephone if you decide to contact us via our phone number. Hit us up on our contact page,
- Your full name
- Your contact number
- Your email address
- Your house sit schedule
- Your house location (you can opt not to provide your full home address if you are uncomfortable with it, what is important is the state/province/area and city/town)
- Do you have pets or plants that will be taken care of during the housesit?
Step 2: Wait for our response
The next step will be to wait for our response if you contacted us via email or phone number. If we failed to pick up your call and it went to voicemail, kindly wait for our reply as rest assured that we will be contacting you back. Be there an available housesit schedule or not you will most certainly hear from us. We promise to get back to you within 1-3 days when you get in touch with us and so make sure to check your provided contact channels on that duration.
Step 3: If the house sit schedule is available, it’s time to finalize the house sit contract.
So on this step of finding a house sitter, once we have verified that our house sitters are available at that time and location you have provided, it is time for us to further contact each other. We may require either a remote or face to face meeting up with you to ensure that we are talking with a real person. This is also the time that you can assess if our house sitter and you could vibe with each other. This is also the time where both you and our house sitter will be finalizing the details of the house sit. The contract should include the tasks needed to be completed by the house sitter, who should pay the utilities, whether a security bond deposit is required and other things related to the upcoming house sit. If you are new to this contract signing thing regarding house sitting, check out this sample house sitting contract from MindMyHouse.
Once both parties have agreed and signed the contract, it’s time for the next step.
Step 4: Optional Step - Showing the ropes to your house sitter
This is an optional step that you can do if you want to ensure that the house sitting goes smoothly. This fourth step in this way to find a house sitter guide is allotting a time to meet up with the house sitter in your house so you can guide the house sitter hands on on the tasks that need to be done. This step is very important to those who have pets and plants that need special care and if you think this step is not important, feel free to skip to step 5. So in this step, it is crucial that you thoroughly explain some things that the house sitter might find confusing in the tasks you have listed in the contract to avoid any trouble during the house sit. This is also the time to familiarize your sitter with your home so that the sitter will not trouble you with anything while you are away. If you have pets or plants included in the house sit, demonstrate personally to the house sitter the tasks that involve them to minimize errors from happening. This is also a good time for the house sitter and pets to get to know each other and form a bond so that your pet will not get scared or get aggressive with the house sitter on the starting day of the house sitting.
Step 5: The starting day of house sitting
Once everything has been smoothed out, rest assured that our house sitter will be standing in front of your doorstep, ready to take care of your home, plants and pets. All you have to do is hand the keys over and you are now temporarily free of the burden of your house. Go and enjoy your vacation freely without any hassle of thinking about your home!
We hope you found our how to find a house sitter the easy way guide for dummies helpful! If you have any more questions, feel free to either check our FAQs or contact us at